Our extensive range of services will assist you in decision-making and ensuring the success of your company
We conduct market studies using classic quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, and we are continuously evolving and analyzing new research methods or adapting them to new market trends.
Our services are flexible and personalized, characterized by a high level of commitment, quality, and competitiveness. With an extensive fieldwork network covering Portugal and the entire national territory, along with the support of our partners, we have access to the best analysts specialized by sector and service. This enables us to meet the fieldwork needs of your company and/or project effectively.

We aim to understand your needs and products thoroughly to provide the most beneficial approach for your company.

Our highly engaged and qualified staff in studies is one of our main differentiators.

We conduct all types of studies and implement new research concepts and methods.

Exclusive rooms for our clients’ use, for Hall-Tests, in-depth interviews, Focus Groups, and more.
We have extensive experience in all kinds of classic methodology. Likewise, our company is constantly evolving, analyzing and implementing new research methods or refining existing ones.
Qualitative methodology
Qualitative studies based on phenomenology and understanding, with subjective observation until obtaining rich and deep data based on dynamic reality such as Focus Groups, in-depth interviews, ethnography, and projective techniques.
Quantitative methodology
Quantitative studies are grounded in probabilistic induction and feature objective, thorough, and controlled measurements. We oversee all our services to ensure robust, consistent, and repeatable results. This methodology includes personal interviews (Face to Face), whether conducted at homes or on the street, telephone surveys, audits of services and/or products in large or small retail outlets, product tests (Hall Test or Home Test) with on-site recruitment (street intercepts) or pre-recruited target audiences, either at home, our multi functional rooms or in shopping centers.
Mixed methodology
Studies with mixed methods are applicable to both quantitative and qualitative services, such as various forms of Mystery Shopping. In addition to traditional Mystery Shopping, we have also developed the Spy Group study, which involves infiltration into group meetings such as Word Cafe.
Are you interested in our fieldwork and research services?
We are here to provide the best solution to every problem.